Simplify Health Fitness

Numerous studies have shown that exercise alone is not effective in fighting long-term weight loss. Just look around and see that the fitness revolution in the last 40 years is not working for the public. Yet society continues to strive for Hollywood celebrities emaciated look, the miracle of transformation from hit TV shows like “The Biggest Loser”, or glam look fueled by Madison Avenue advertisers.

Every health professional will fight exercise as part of a weight loss program. The best doctors, however, will tell you that the typical recommendation for a long time, low intensity activities such as walking jogging, cycling and aerobics up to six days a week is absolutely the worst recommendation for losing weight.

Long-term, low-impact exercise activity and cause a decrease in blood sugar levels, making you feel hungry and irritable. While aerobics gives some cardiovascular benefits, not to build muscle mass. In fact, chronic prolonged aerobic exercises often lead to muscle loss and reduced strength.

Weight lost is not just about calories in and calories out. To lose weight you need to burn fat. The biggest obstacle to weight loss is to get to the fat reserves. The key to weight loss is to understand how food affects hormones. Article I co-authored with Dr. Ronald Grisanti, “Obesity: Why Exercise does not work,” examines the effect of sugar in the body and how insulin serves to keep fat stored in fat cells, prevent the success of the general exercise program.

So how do you get the fat stores? I recommend the prescribed program of resistance exercises designed to improve strength, endurance and flexibility. Other benefits include muscle toning, stress relief and weight loss. An effective, simplified approach to weight loss should be a three-prong approach includes:

1. Information on how food affects hormones
2. Demonstration of the efficient use of means for those who only worry about weight loss and health, not athletic enhancement
3. A method of treating a biochemical flaw in the body, such as thyroid, estrogen, testosterone etc. which may be the cause weight gain

For obese and de-conditioned population, there are more items. Athletic performance and weight loss are distinct goals. Many fitness trainers treat overweight and out of shape customers the way they would an athlete, with excessive emphasis on the core, mobility exercises and endurance training. Experts agree that the best approach for this demographic is to focus on utilizing that stimulate metabolism by challenging the biggest muscles because as the body ages, maintaining muscle mass is important for long term health and fitness.

Scientific research confirms that stimulate muscle growth can be accomplished in as few as two sessions per week of demanding larger muscles of the body with adequate resistance. (Of course, this is based on the fitness level of the client. Some may have to start slower than others because important physical parameters.)

There is more good news. With only two sessions per week, ability to stay with the program increases significantly. And so do the chances of success. Look for a coach who understands the chemistry of the body and can provide this simplified approach to exercise and weight loss. Not only will you achieve your weight loss goals, you will feel healthier and happier.

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